[an error occurred while processing this directive] FreeBSD Handbook : Staying current with FreeBSD : SUP : Description of FreeBSD SUP distributions
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14.6.2. Description of FreeBSD SUP distributions

For the main FreeBSD distribution useing the standard-supfile:

base:		/usr/src/...		misc files at the top of /usr/src
bin:		/usr/src/bin		user and system binaries
secure:		/usr/src/secure		DES Sources (US/Canada ONLY) 
eBones:		/usr/src/eBones		Kerberos and DES (US/Canada ONLY)
etc:		/usr/src/etc		system files
games:		/usr/src/games		games
gnu:		/usr/src/gnu		sources under the GNU Public License
include:	/usr/src/include	include files
sys:		/usr/src/sys		kernel sources
lib:		/usr/src/lib		libraries
libexec:	/usr/src/libexec	system binaries
share:		/usr/src/share		various shared resources
sbin:		/usr/src/sbin		single user system binaries
usrbin:		/usr/src/usr.bin	user binaries
usrsbin:	/usr/src/usr.sbin	system binaries

For the international FreeBSD distribution using the secure-supfile:

secure:		/usr/src/secure		DES Sources
eBones:		/usr/src/eBones		Kerberos and DES

And for the ports collection:

ports-base:	/usr/ports/...		misc files at the top of /usr/ports
ports-editors:  /usr/ports/editors	text editors
ports-game:	/usr/ports/games	games
ports-lang:	/usr/ports/lang		programming languages
ports-mail:	/usr/ports/mail		mail software
ports-math:	/usr/ports/math		math software
ports-net:	/usr/ports/net		networking software
ports-news:	/usr/ports/news		USENET news software
ports-print:	/usr/ports/print	printing software
ports-russian:  /usr/ports/russian      russian software
ports-shells:	/usr/ports/shells	various UN*X shells
ports-utils:	/usr/ports/utils	miscellaneous utilities
ports-x11:	/usr/ports/x11		X11 software

FreeBSD Handbook : Staying current with FreeBSD : SUP : Description of FreeBSD SUP distributions
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Next: Kernel Debugging [an error occurred while processing this directive]