WWW: http://gcpacix8.nswced.navy.mil/~efb/fw_box.html 970328

Firewall, Proxy, Web, DNS Server Box Reqs 97

ShortQtyUnitDescriptionEst Extd Cost
*Case/PS1eaDual Fan, 24"tower, 300W Req $ 300.00
*MBd1ea256K, non-ATX, 4I+,4PCI, 2 16550, 1 Ext Parallel, 1 PS2BusMou eg TyanReq $ 250.00
- CPU1eaP-200 IntelReq $ 520.00
- RAM64MB2x32MB 60MHz Parity Req $ 600.00
* Mouse1ea3 BT, PS2Bus, Opt, eg MSC Req $ 075.00
* Keybd1ea104 Key, motion pad Req $ 075.00
*VidCtl1eaPCI 4MB, eg Matrox, Stealth Req $ 200.00
*Monit1ea1280x1024 17"Col, eg MAG DX700T Req $ 700.00
*HDCtlr1eaSCSI-II, or FAST, eg AHA2940 Req $ 240.00
*HD1, 2eaSCSI 2.1GB, 4G.., eg TM2100, ST32155N... $ 300 - 600.00
*HD DOS1eaEIDE 2.1GB ... $ 300.00
*FDs1ea1.44 + 1.2, eg TEAC Dual Req $ 085.00
*EtherUTP1ea10MH/100MH RJ45, eg DEC DE500AA Req $ 150.00
*BK-Up1ea4+GB Tape, eg Seag/HP ??? $ 400.00
*BSD301ea1-16 User BSDI, lic, bins, CDs Req $ 995.00
*Case1ea1YR Email,UGsReq $ 325.00


1Options for Transfering files from FreeBSD to BSDI
2Time involved, relative Ease of setup of IIJPPP or other PPP vs FreeBSD_2.0, docs, tutorials
3Time involved, relative Ease of X11 Setup and Window Mgr, docs, tutorials
4Price discount for whole system, configured to run X11, BSDI 3.0, minimal PPP to any local number for Hayes/ USR vs component pieces